The Company

Noor Bank (formerly Noor Islamic Bank) is an established financial institution in Dubai, UAE. It has been ranked as one of the top 10 fastest growing banks in the region. Noor Bank has seen significant growth in the past 10 years in terms of its assets and customers. It has branches in multiple locations around the UAE.

Key Challenges

Lack of cost-effective comprehensive integrated system for multiple operations.

No proper Document Management System (DMS).

Need for auto tax invoice generation.

Absence of Intelligent VAT rule engine.

Our Business Transformation

Integrated and automated platform to carry out VATable transactions.

Automated tax invoice generation and e-mail trigger.

Inbuilt DMS feature.

Returns filing template as per FTA requirements.

Handling intergroup companies (VAT Group) under one roof.

Smart dashboards.

Benefits & Business Impact

  • 20% of Significant operations cost reduction
  • Easy integration of multiple systems.
  • Start to finish implementation completed in 12 weeks with no disruption in business or operations.
  • Effective and efficient data reconciliation at GL level.

We make your vision come true

Together we are better


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